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supporting neurodiverse people

supporting neurodiverse people for neurodiverse people, building resilience begins with energy management, understanding their emotions and recognising the adjustments they may need Tools Emotions Energy…

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day Every year on 10th October, we observe World Mental Health Day, a global initiative to raise awareness and promote action for…

ADHD and mental health

ADHD and mental health ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) affects a person’s ability to concentrate, control impulses and manage energy levels Myths Mental health Practical…

nutrition and mental health

nutrition and mental healthmaintaining a balanced diet doesn't benefit only your physical health; it can also positively impact your mental wellbeing Myths Mental health  Balanced…

boundaries and mental health

boundaries and mental health learn how setting boundaries and just saying ‘no’ can help protect your mental health Myths Why? Practical tips Picture this: you're…

managing stress

managing stress when you’re under too much mental or emotional pressure, you might feel overwhelmed with stress Myths Causes Symptoms Practical tips Do you ever…
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