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Employability Support Project

Improving knowledge, skills and confidence to support people to break down barriers in accessing paid employment, volunteering or further education

We use a person-centred and intergenerational approach to build a clear plan for people to reach their employability goals. People participate in meaningful group activities and one-to-one support at our location on Dumfries’ Munches Street, our Stranraer base in the Millennium Centre on George Street, or at our resource centres in Annan and Castle Douglas.

Individuals accessing this support across Dumfries and Galloway engage in a range of activities that are closely aligned with their own interests. Skills development opportunities are embedded into all group activities, allowing people to learn new skills or improve existing ones while doing something they enjoy.

“I don’t feel like I’m a hermit anymore as it turns out I actually like being around people and it has done so much for my mental health. I like the set up of the service, the fact you are held responsible for turning up to group. You are held to your commitments. I have developed time keeping skills, working with others in group activities. I am more confident in speaking about ideas and just general talk.”


Those accessing the project attend and engage in their employability plan regularly and consistently. We will chat with people referred directly to ensure it’s the right fit for them. This is not a crisis, counselling or emergency project.

Ultimately, the Employability Support Project enables people to realise their potential and we support them to develop confidence and build their resilience.

The groups we currently have running are:

  • Art
  • Photography
  • History
  • Creative Writing
  • Crafts
  • Digital Art/3D printing
  • Football Punditry
  • Film Review
  • Pottery
  • Book Review
  • Positive News
  • Knitting/Sewing
  • Relaxation

Groups are subject to change depending on demand and interest.


If you want more information about the Employability Support Project, contact our Service Manager.

We are based at:

28 Munches Street
01387 255072

Millennium Centre
75 George Street
01776 706348

Employability Support can also be accessed at our resource centres in Annan and Castle Douglas.


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